In the mythical town Macondo, seven generations of the Buendía family navigate love, oblivion and the inescapability of their past — and their fate.
We currently have no information regarding season 2.
Tensions erupt when two filmmakers infiltrate an area ruled by gangs to shoot a music video for a rapper in this gritty found-footage series.
A respected London surgeon's affair with his son's fiancée turns into an erotic infatuation that threatens to change their lives forever.
Eight individuals trapped in a mysterious 8-story building participate in a tempting but dangerous show where they earn money as time passes.
A whirlwind power clash between the prime minister and deputy prime minister unravels the day the president suffers an assassination attempt.
A family enters a power struggle following the death of their patriarch, who leaves behind his diamond empire — and the housekeeper he recently married.