Skilled cake artists create mouthwatering replicas of handbags, sewing machines and more in a mind-bending baking contest inspired by a popular meme.
We currently have no information regarding season 4.
With more stunning cakes and more shocking fakes, the competition is bigger than ever as bakers fool celebrity judges with their delicious deceptions.
Higher stakes, wilder bakes. Hungry cake artists compete for an even bigger cash prize in a fresh season of this mind-bending baking contest.
The fun, fondant and hilarious cake fails head to Mexico, where very amateur bakers compete to re-create elaborate sweet treats for a cash prize.
A talented cast of aspiring makeup artists live and work together as they attempt to prove their potential to industry professionals from a multitude of worlds from fashion to film. With regular eliminations, the challenges not only test their skills under pressure but also give them the opportunity to unleash their creative vision with jaw-dropping results.
To win a life-changing prize, couples embark on a journey to an earthly paradise and confront challenges... with the assistance of their mothers-in-law.